We reject all cooperation with this movement. 19:13-15. We believe that speaking in tongues was never the common or necessary sign of the baptism or filling of the Holy Spirit and that ultimate deliverance of the body from sickness or death awaits the consummation of our salvation in the resurrection, though God frequently chooses to answer the prayer of believers for physical healing. If the IFB churches are hurting the cause of Christ, would your attitude and example also hurt His cause. I want no part of it except to expose it for what it is cultish. Despite having overcome drug addiction, trouble controlling my drinking, and a whole lot of other issues, my church never told me to leave, never told me to come back when I was better, never scolded me. 23. Do you realize this was written as humorous piece ? Pastors daughter did my hair and cleaned my dress with baby wipes. The only sin that is not forgivable is blaspheming against the Holy Spirit. Everyone has health issues. Theres a place to rebuke abusive religious practices. Why wouldnt I stand up for something I believe in? Should I choose not to forgive after Christ has already died for him? I can tolerate the other bits that go over board as long I am believing the word and get correct non compromising bible teaching. 29 For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church: 30 For we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones. Most Americans dont understand that there are flavors of Baptist Christianity, everything from liberal to hardcore Fundamentalist. The Lord's Supper, or Communion, commemorates Christ's broken body and shed blood giving each believer an opportunity for self-examination and rededication. I have 3 children I sometimes spank I sometimes lecture. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets. 20 When you swear by the altar, you are swearing by it and by everything on it. If your pastor is telling you otherwise hes a heretic. 32 Go ahead and finish what your ancestors started. You tend to lump independent Baptist or independent religious organizations into one lump, sensing that they are all the same. If you compromise too much with the world, satan gets in and anything can happen thats why the word says to stay vigilant. Does the lord convict me when I miss? Pastor dont preach on smoking unless he preaches on a list of things that destroy the body. If that doesnt raise red flags for you I dont know what will. Simply not true. [6] Adam Fannin, the lead preacher at SBC's Jacksonville satellite campus, refused to acknowledge the authority of Jonathan Shelley, another Texas New IFB pastor who took over SBCFort Worth following Romero's resignation. Hmmmmm interesting.I will bash ifb, while I mix truth and error interesting.. Nice going Steve For you are so careful to clean the outside of the cup and the dish, but inside you are filthyfull of greed and self-indulgence! The pastor explained forgiveness and that Jesus has already forgiven his sin on the cross and if I choose to not forgive than I am believing in my heart Jesus didnt die for his sin.. If you feel guilty for not having devotions 7 days a week, you might be an Independent Fundamental Baptist, 42. 21 And when you swear by the Temple, you are swearing by it and by God, who lives in it. If your child is behaving like a child but you think they are rebellious, misbehaving, mischevious, etc. You had to wear a tie if you wanted to preach or preside over the Lords Supper. Years ago, I heard a very funny but truthful skit on what was or wasnt OK. Each verse ended with, Its OK, because Independent Fundamental Baptist Preachers do it.. The New IFB is strongly opposed to homosexuality, with several pastors advocating the belief that homosexuals should be executed by the government. Yes, believers disagree, theres nothing wrong with that. 8. The New IFB considers the modern nation of Israel to be a fraud and it also teaches that Christians rather than Jews are God's chosen people. I believe the Bible, and if you do not believe the Bible and hate what the Bible teaches, it is because your opinion is more important to you, than what the Bible says, and if that be so, then there is really no reason for you to go to church in the first place. 29. (Mat 22:37-40) Can you honestly say that this is of God. But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses. You can be a better Christian IF you repent of your sins and turn away from them and if you can grow spiritually. I dont know what Daves intentions were. There are a lot of IFB pastors out there like that, the majority of the ones I sat under were like that, they just want to see you do better. If you pray using the KJV language I dont pray like that except when I recite the Lords Prayer because nobody talks like that anymore. This list reminded me of a few I forgot about, but one I dont think youve mentioned yet is If your teenage boys and girls have to be separate and swim in different pools or at different times when you are on a teen outing or camping trip lol. This led to calls to evict Stedfast Baptist Church from its location at a strip mall in Watauga, Texas. Even when the family goes on vacation, we go to church. We believe that Satan is a created angelic being who rebelled and who tempted man to join him in rebellion against God (Isaiah 14:12-17; Ezekiel 28:11-19; Genesis 3:1-5). If your pastor refuses to be called Reverend, you might be an Independent Fundamental Baptist. Many Christians believe some of these distinctives, but true Baptists believe them all. Freedom of choice demands personal responsibility. Read Matthew 23 for more information. We can joke around about a differing denomination that we dont agree with, but how we react to a situation that wasnt intended, also matters greatly. I prefer Kjv! The Bible is our sole and final authority for faith and practice. Believing that going to the movies is sinful but not renting them or watching them on TV I dont see anything wrong about going to the movies because I went to the movies years ago. God divorced Israel but Not judah..Jesus is the Lion of the tribe of WHAT?? You would probably also classify the God of the Old Testament as abusive. Even the General Baptists and the Free Will Baptists denounce eternal security, thus the only two Baptist groups that believe in Free Will. Its our personal decisions that cause us to who to hell though most of their practices are not biblical, especially the devotions to the Virgin Mary as they especially have her as the intercessor. Same pastor who says to his congregation I love you, we all love you here.and we will not judge you. They will not participate, as a church, in any outside function with churches which do not also strictly base their faith and practice on the New Testament. 50. We as a couple decided to do things biblical. But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. According to the ADL "Anti-LGBTQ bigotry and antisemitism are fundamental to New IFB ideology, as demonstrated by the doctrinal statements on their websites and the content of their sermons. Independent Fundamental Baptist or Bible-Believing Baptist) are a particularly cranky fundamentalist branch of unaffiliated Read one thing, make a judgment that Im just bitter and move on. Like I said, forgiveness doesnt mean anything other than forgiveness. When you find Christ, you are a new creation and the spirit helps you to live a life that pleases Him, not us. 49. We wanted Gods blessing of Mariage. I forgot to mention my concerns on some of the other beliefs of the Independent Fundamental Baptist Church: My writing tends to be somewhat heavy and serious so every once in a while I like to add some humor to lighten things up a bit. OMG! WebThe Road to Emmaus Baptist Church is an independent Baptist church in Monaca, Pennsylvania. You might 26 You blind Pharisee! I dont think its as bad as all this, but thats my 2 cents and maybe Im still on the inside.. That being said, I just want to warn the author about injecting too much of his own agenda into these posts. No one leaves on good terms unfortunately. My jabs are defensive in nature. 33. Others are very much unfair criticism. WebOur Mission. The lost in the world watch us Christians closer than we know. The Duggar family, so much in the news lately, are Independent Fundamental Baptists (IFB), a loosely affiliated, singularly cultish denomination of Im not IFB but I still believe in tithes and offerings. Please dont mistake this for a lack of respect or an attempt to minimize the seriousness of the abuse that happens among the Independent Fundamental Bapitsts. If you feel compelled to go door to door witnessing (or were compelled to visit a nursing home as a teen), you might be an Independent Fundamental Baptist, 28. I dont believe they bought our loyalty, because we werent of any good investment. Each church is autonomous, or self-governing, and contains all human authority for leadership within its congregation. are the result of sin and poor choices, you might be an Independent Fundamental Baptist, 46. Do you know what Jesus told the Pharisees? We should teach our children of who Jesus is and how we should live a holy or Christian life. If you think that the hymnal in the pew is inspired by God, you might be an Independent Fundamental Baptist, 23. We forgive people, but only God can forgive sins. The New IFB does not consider itself to be a denomination. Baptists as a whole, are pretty terrible. I had no idea that I, as an IFB, might be guilty of these things. If you think that reading a version of the Bible other than the KJV is a sin, you might be an Independent Fundamental Baptist, 18. We told to get married. Some true, some not so much. Would the lost or questioning feel that even if someone is attacking your comments, that youre setting an example that they could adopt? This is the only church Ive been to, so I just awsume all Churchs are loving, caring, forgiving, honest, and strive to bring glory to god and its just sad to here that thats not the case. If you go to a church that sings/plays Just As I Am at the end of every service, you might be an Independent Fundamental Baptist, 21. The establishment and continuance of local churches is clearly taught and defined in te New Testa ment Scriptures (Acts 14:27; 20:17, 28-32; I Timothy 3:1-13; Titus 1:5-11). It seemed more like an attack on what the Bible says about life than on a denomination. If you think that the KJV is inspired, you might be an Independent Fundamental Baptist, 2. You are quick to throw in a jab about how much you dislike them, but cannot tolerate anyone saying different. If you believe that using guitars in church is too liberal, yet you listen to patch the pirate who uses guitars, you might be an Independent Fundamental Baptist, 14. 24 Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing. You are quick to throw in a jab about how much you dislike them, but cannot tolerate anyone saying different. I think its easy to look at the pastor as an authority figure, someone who holds some position above you, but most of them just want that connection with you, they care, they love you, they just want whats best for you. 38. No one is "born into the church." Who are the Independent Baptists, and what do they believe? You consider it a personal failure if you are not able to find a verse within ten seconds, and secretly proud if you are able to find it right away. 9. The membership Whether u believe its talking about judah/Ephraim or not. We believe that men are justified by faith alone and are accounted righteous before God only through the merit of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Youre judgment of me by one blog post and its comments is typical IFB tactic. The Trinity: Southern Baptists believe in only one God who reveals himself as God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. God cant forgive you if Jesus didnt save you. Apart from Him we can do nothing. If you think that you should cut your vacation short so that you can make it back in time for Sunday morning Sunday School, but think its OK that your pastor miss a Sunday or two because hes on vacation, you might be an Independent Fundamental Baptist, 5. Thats not unique to the IFB. If I couldnt tolerate anyone saying something different I would instruct the site moderator to delete comments such as yours. Quite the contrary, I was searching for something else when I clicked on this link, so I didnt then and dont now come looking to argue. 8 Dont let anyone call you Rabbi, for you have only one teacher, and all of you are equal as brothers and sisters. My ministry isnt to the lost, its to help heal those whove been hurt by the IFB. Yes, I remember that. Many on here were saved at a IFB church. 43. Why would I even send a lost loved one to church instead of sharing the gospel with them for that matter? I am a pastor of a Baptist church, but rather than call myself INDEPENDENT, I call myself unaffiliated with the other Baptist Churches. An independent Baptist Missionary (24 years in Romania) has posted a site The Laymans Biblical Handbook. More than 200 doctrines at http://www.thelaymansbiblicalhandbook.com/ And if a lost person were to stumble upon this page and read your list and how you respond to any differing opinions, would you be helping plant a seed? WebBaptist beliefs are seen as belonging to three parties: General Baptists who uphold Arminian soteriology, Particular Baptists who uphold Calvinist soteriology, and Independent Baptists, who might embrace a strict version of either Arminianism or Calvinism, but are most notable for their fundamentalist positions on Biblical Im still separate I have just decided to sin. You might be an independent Fundamental Baptist if. Our path is narrow, must we fight amongst each other while we walk it? Members come into the church personally, individually, and freely. If you believe women shouldnt wear pants, you might be an Independent Fundamental Baptist, 12. Again its too legalistic. Isaiah was right when he prophesied about you: 8 These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. I mean, why would you think its too liberal to sing anything other than hymns in the church because, there are some churches within the Southern Baptist Convention, which is different from the IFB, that have a contemporary music worship in one service and have traditional hymns in another service. If your church has a tract rack outside the sanctuary, you might be an Independent Fundamental Baptist, 22. OMG = Oh My Goodness! We sought counseling to see if there was any hope. The key is that youre not suppose to JUST sit under the teaching/preaching of anyone without reading the Bible, seeking wisdom from God, and fellow shipping with people who are interested in drawing closer to God. I had a wedding dress from when my boyfriend proposed on December 5, 2010. 16. I get the vibe that you were alienate by IFB movement at some point, as were a lot of us, but dont try to use that as an excuse to go on a crusade against fellow believers. If you went to a church camp where mixed bathing wasnt allowed and every evening there was a 3 hour sermon, you might be an Independent Fundamental Baptist. I agree that God can use anything and anyone to reach people, but I can guarantee that the IFB has ulterior motives. I think I find it more funny how you all think it IS funny and Im just over here secretly judging your jeans ;b, But, all teasing aside, the author and other commentators sound very bitter. Im not sure where your pastor got that from, but its not in the Bible. No, but I wanted to send the rest of my life with him. 5 Everything they do is for show. 12 But those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted. What surprises me, though, is that he was ordained as a pastor and actually called to pastor DL Moodys church in Massachusetts as a divorced man. So spontaneous but like it was planned. (Genesis 2:24; Romans 7:2; 1 Corinthians 7:10; Ephesians 5:22-23), We believe that God expressly forbids intimate sexual activity be engaged in outside of a marriage between one man and one woman. Baptism means that a believer is bodily immersed in water followed by being raised up Hes a different man today thanks to Gods grace in our life. If you think that homosexuality is an unforgivable sin, you might be an Independent Fundamental Baptist, 55. Me and my husband got saved 3 1/2 years ago at an IFB church. Is that what the great commission tells us to do: Matthew 28:19 Go ye therefore, and send lost loved ones to an IFB church so that they might be saved (DHV Don Holt Version). We did 2 weeks of counseling and got married at the end of our last session. If you believe everything said in this article then you must not have spent much or any time in a fundamental church. Its method of operation is subversive. Some of these are very much right on the money. I talk to her about my faith she talks to me about her faith. What a typical, legalistic comment from Jason. Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. Lastly, I cant really respond to the think that theres something spiritual about tolerating abuse because I have no idea where thats coming from in my initial post. Instead of attempting to find humor , find time to pray for them. anything that even remotely appears to be worldly means that you arent being separate, you might be an Independent Fundamental Baptist, 44. We believe that the souls of the redeemed are, at death, absent from the body and present with the Lord, where in conscious bliss they await the first resurrection, when spirit, soul, and body are reunited to be glorified forever with the Lord (Luke 23:43; Revelation 20:4-6; II Corinthians 5:8; Philippians 1:23, 3:21; I Thessalonians 4:16-17). While I have no opinions on this I do agree that wives, from a biblical view, should be submissive to their husbands because its found in Ephesians 5:22-23: 22 Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. Independent Fundamental Baptist is NOT a denomination because they are Independent I am not Baptist but they are CLOSE to being a denomination because of their beliefs. I dont know your past, but I know mine and it aint righteous. People that oppose things is due to beliefs, so I believe if you oppose the IFB church its because you dont believe what their teaching not because there bitter. We believe that salvation is by grace plus nothing minus nothing. If the IFB churches are hurting the cause of Christ, would your attitude and example also hurt His cause. We believe that any form of homosexuality, lesbianism, bisexuality, beastiality, incest, fornication, adultery, and pornography is a sinful perversion of God's original intent for a physical relationship between a husband and wife. G.F.F. God knows the names of his children and for anyone to accuse another of security in Christ is hypocrisy. A Baptist church may choose to associate with other churches of like faith around mutual interests or ministry opportunities, but one church cannot exert authority over another. Inspired by Jeff Foxworthys You Might Be A Redneck IfI came up with a similar list of items for the IFB. Its insidious and extremely toxic. 15 What sorrow awaits you teachers of religious law and you Pharisees. I remember our pastor asking us if we could forgive each other, and praise the lord we forgave each other for the offenses committed against each other. In the last days, you will get churches like you have described in your initial post, but not all of them are the same. Seeing 2 brothers in Christ debase a conversation (be it one or both parties) to snide remarks, tasteless jabs, and condescension as a form or response, makes us all look bad. The New Independent Fundamental Baptist network, most prominently associated with anti-LGBTQ pastor Steven Anderson, appears to be in turmoil as infighting again erupts, this time between Anderson and fellow pastors in the network. The Lord is doing His work in ths world through local churches. I can count on one hand the number of IFBs whove asked for a discussion instead of attacking me. While I am not against crucifixes but using them in public worship is idolatry because the bible forbids idols. They all work together. I found myself laughing at quite a few of these because they are things that I used to believe. We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God, became man, without ceasing to be God, having been conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary, in order that He might reveal God and redeem sinful men (John 1:1-2, 14; Luke 1:35; Isaiah 9:6; 7:14; Philippians 2:5-8; Galatians 4:4-5). Members all so giving that it made me want to be a giving person. The Bible talks about a CHEERFUL GIVER. If a person gets right with God, then they will usually give, not because they have to, rather because they want to give. [5], New IFB pastors have been the subjects of controversy on numerous occasions. If you should cut your vacation short you should never miss church this has happened only once in my life when I went I was on my senior class trip. Wow. Only thing Ill add to the list is, You might be an IFB if you greet all visitors with huge smiles, handshakes, and extreme cheerfulness. I feel sorry for all the visitors we almost accosted now; no wonder some never came back! Besides I dont understand why you shouldnt listen to Contemporary Christian music. Ive known many people whom God has reached using the IFB. I have scriptures on my walls that are from other versions. Belief number 51 is absolutely wrong. We recognize the ordinances of baptism by immersion in water and the Lord's Supper as a Scriptural means of testimony for local churches in this age (Matthew. (2 Cor. As of 2019, the New IFB listed 32 affiliated congregations on its website, most in the U.S. with some in Australia, Canada, the Philippines and South Africa. Frankly its not your place to tell me what I should and shouldnt do (typical IFB who thinks they know what everyone is supposed to be doing). Every child of God has equal access to their Heavenly Father. And Pastor of Bible-Believing, Fundamental, Independent. The preachers who I knew as a teenager all had real degrees in theology from acredited universities. If you had one opportunity to send a lost love one time to any church , which would it be ? (Acts 2:41-47; 1 Corinthians 12:12,18; 2 Corinthians 6:14; Hebrews 10:23-25), Scripture mandates two offices for the local church: Pastor and Deacon. I would have rejected the advice if in my heart If didnt want the relationship anymore, but we had a kid and I needed it to work. (John 3:36; Romans 14:4-12;2 Corinthians 4:2; Titus 1:9), Local church membership is restricted to individuals who give a believable testimony of personal faith in Christ and have publicly identified with Him in believer's baptism. If you think that singing anything other than hymns in church is too liberal, you might be an Independent Fundamental Baptist, 15. Im open to discussions what Im not open to is people telling me what God wants me to do with my time and resources. If you read any other bible besides the Kjv bible you not sining. 22 And when you swear by heaven, you are swearing by the throne of God and by God, who sits on the throne. (II Corinthians 12:12; I Corinthians 13:8; Hebrews 2:3-4; Mark 16:17-20; I Corinthians 1:22, 14:21-22). I like door knocking is any of our church compelled to do so? 2. Please read this article for more information: https://baptistdeception.com/reasons-for-not-accepting-the-kjv-as-gods-preserved-word-a-response-to-pastor-james-melton/, I hope that you left your church in good terms and that they knew how you felt and whoever was wrong to be revived and allow the precense [sic] of God to bring the individual to the norm in other words what christian ought to be not what men want to be.. This Bible is preserved for the English speaking world without error in the King James Version. . My mother doesnt wear fancy earrings. If a child is behaving like a child (i.e., appropriate for his/her age), but you think they are being misbehaving and rebellious, you might be an Independent Fundamental Baptist, 40. Im happy to defend my position, but I dont tolerate assumptions, attacks, accusations, judgments, bullying or anything of the like. 39. See if you recognize any. They are usually so full of themselves, because they went straight from salvation to knowledge, and Peter says to add to your faith virtue, and THEN go to knowledge, 2 Peter 1:5. Amen! The pastor pointed out (over the course of his long 2 hour sermon LOL) that a shepherd doesnt use a rod and staff to beat his sheep but to prod and guide them. 18 And you say that to swear by the altar is not binding, but to swear by the gifts on the altar is binding. 7. 11 The greatest among you must be a servant. Tithing was around since before the Law of Moses. That makes no sense. 12. Its the inspired word of God. Hypocrites! For which is more importantthe gift on the altar or the altar that makes the gift sacred? Not of works, lest any man should boast. I go to an IFB church and thought a few of your statements could be funny if in the right spirit, some not so much and others I found untrue altogether. From a biblical standpoint, Jesus is the ONLY mediator between God and Man and only Jesus can intercede us. 3 And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brothers eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? That is contrary to Bible doctrine for a pastor. The Baptist Distinctives are easy to remember using the acronym B.A.P.T.I.S.T.S. Deacons help the pastor care for the flock so he can give priority to prayer and the ministry of the Word. I hope that you left your church in good terms and that they knew how you felt and whoever was wrong to be revived and allow the precense of God to bring the individual to the norm in other words what christian ought to be not what men want to be. Even I believe that if you are living in sin you are getting to the point where you are eventually will lose your salvation. I grew up in a IFB school and then university, so I can totally relate. Please read the rest of the website and my story rather than just judge me. I mean yeah, theres some truth to a lot of this. My pastor has never taught that man can forgive sins. I found this site while checking for deceptions in different denominations, starting with Mormons. God has given each institution specific Biblical responsibilities and has balanced those responsibilities with the understanding that no institution has the right to infringe upon the other. Sometimes it makes you wonder if they have EVER read/learned anything from Jesus! This is because primarily I am a Bible Believer and if church doctrine of any individual church does not line with scripture, then this so called doctrine is nothing more than a vain tradition. There are those who are called to rebuke abusive religious practices. We dont mind being scrutinized or even judged. Please trust me when I tell you that your IFB church (as most other IFB churches) is preying on you.
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How Many Real Christmas Trees Were Sold In 2020, Articles I