If you love Me and repent of your sins, you will be on the narrow road to heaven. Some people are even dying from heat strokes. Use your Camp Chef in your sun room to bake your bread with your propane, and use your rechargeable batteries in your electric lamps for light at night. You saw how vulnerable your gasoline supplies and your electricity are to your systems being hacked by cyber crimes. If you truly love Me, then you must love your neighbor and show it in your actions of good deeds to help them with food, donations, and sharing your faith. I reach out to save souls, and I pray people are listening to My words. Most of these divisions center around the means of the death culture that has little regard for life. The demons respect the authority of My priests, who are using My authority in My Church. Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ You may want to have someone help you in the video taping. I will renew the face of the earth as My faithful will be raised up into the air. John WebExperienced Senior Rail Project Engineer with a demonstrated history of working in the rail construction industry. I have warned you of a coming deadly virus that will kill a lot of people, but refuse to take any Covid shots, boosters, or flu shots that will ruin your immune system. Dismissing bilities through a chapter 11 2021 from ovarian cancer at Powder into a standalone com- the range of $8 billion to $10 settling each claim one by the chapter 11 case would en-plan and stop litigation from age 59, said the In the first Adam he was also tempted by the devil with food to eat when he ate the forbidden fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Farmers could see problems in getting enough rain or water sources to grow their crops. Trust in Me to provide for your needs, but you need some food storage that I could multiply as well. Wednesday, July 28, 2021: Jesus said: My people, your truthful doctors told you that Covid vaccinated people will be dying within a few years, because of the spike Refuse to take any Covid vaccines and you need to bless the vaccinated people with your Good Friday oil, or the exorcism water with the miraculous medal. You are in the middle of a communist takeover, and you do not even realize it. Trust in Me to protect you from harm as My angels will defend you. Now, Biden is back to using Executive Orders to try and get the unvaccinated workers forced to take the Covid shot. This will prepare you for any EMP attack, or an electric shutdown caused by the one world people when they want to take over. Trust in Me that I will protect My faithful from any wars, cyber attacks, or any aggressors., Jesus said: My people, ransomware is a vicious hacking because computer systems can be paralyzed and money has to be paid to restore any hacked software damage. Call on Me to heal the sick people, and use your Good Friday oil to bless the vaccinated people., Jesus said: My son, it would be wise to take your Subaru car on your trip until you can fix your van. Dublin YouTuber cleared of breaking Covid lockdown laws to attend Matt Hancock said 'get heavy with police' to enforce lockdown This definitely is not normal. Trust in your natural immunity which fights off the virus better than the shots., Tuesday, November 30, 2021: (St. Andrew) He fulfilled his mission as one crying out from the desert that people should repent of their sins and be baptized by immersion in the water of the Jordan River. It is the strength from My Hosts that will strengthen you to survive the trials at My refuges. Even if I called My faithful to My refuges, I could multiply your food to cover the less than 3 years of survival during the tribulation. Even as you, My son, are growing some grass, you see how much water is needed to germinate the seeds and keep the grass from drying out in the summer. I told you before that I would bring My Warning before this deadly virus would be released. After the Warning, you need to work hard to convert your family members to a true belief in Me, so they can receive the cross on their foreheads. eHealth, Inc. (NASDAQ:EHTH) Q4 2022 Earnings Call Transcript You will be living together at My refuges after the Warning and your six weeks of conversion. Events will soon try and force the mark of the beast on your people, but do not take the mark of the beast, or you will lose your souls to the evil one. Pray for the souls of your children and do not give up on them because I do not either., Jesus said: My people, you are seeing a lot of financial problems and disasters occurring that will take lives and threaten your food supplies. You have had faith in My healing, but soon you will need faith in My power to protect you from the evil ones at My refuges. Anne O'Leary on LinkedIn: #france #ireland #rugbyfamily # The vaccines are poisons and you have heard some doctors telling you that the vaccinated people could die within two years. You will be tested, but in the end I will cast the evil ones into hell. They should be more responsible for their actions, and take the right step to get married properly in the Church after they come to Confession. This is not being made public, but some people are speaking out of such deaths. By staying close to My Sacred Heart and pouring out My Precious Blood on people, I can heal people of their sickness and their sins., Wednesday, September 8, 2021: (Nativity of the Blessed Mother) All of the believers in God will have their reward in heaven., Monday, May 31, 2021: (Visitation of Blessed Mother, Memorial Day) Jesus said: My people, you are seeing the beginning of the vaccine mandates that will be getting so bad, that I will soon have to bring My Warning and the refuges to save your lives. John Leary --> Latest News Site Updates Videos / Books Fr. Be prepared for more wars because Russia and China see Bidens America as weak and no longer a threat to further takeovers. The biggest lie is that the one world people are telling you to take the Covid vaccine so you can live a normal life. This is the same faith in My power that will be necessary for Me to multiply your food, water, and fuels at your refuges. Downfall of Stephen Bear - Reality TV bad boy to dark controversies You need to continue praying for all of your family members that they will be saved at My Warning, because the faith is lacking. During the tribulation of the Antichrist, I will provide refuges for My faithful, and My angels will protect them from the evil ones. Not everyone realizes how these shots can ruin your immune system, and can even kill you, especially when a more deadly virus is released. Filed Under Messages | Comments Off, Thursday, November 25, 2021: (Thanksgiving Day) I do not want to lose even one soul, so make it clear that this choice will be forever, and not just a lifetime. The angel told me that my cousin, Elizabeth was miraculously in her sixth month of pregnancy. I told the people that I had not seen such faith in all of Israel. So with your eyes of faith, you know I am Present at My tabernacles, so come and visit your Lord., Later, at the Eternal Father Chapel we were praying before our Adoration DVD. In the second reading you read how you cannot have faith without works. This word from Our Lord to John Leary on June 10, 2022, is similar to what we You are hearing of young adults dying without explanation. I saw an overwhelming ongoing vision that was a sign of the coming deadly virus that would kill a lot of vaccinated people. My Son and I have our two hearts joined together, and I bring you to Jesus as a spiritual mother as well., Jesus said: My people, your media is constantly attacking the unvaccinated, and your government is doing everything to get your employers to force workers to get vaccinated. The time to call people to My refuges draws close, as your lives will be in danger soon from any shut downs or more mandatory restrictions. Any one of these potential disasters would close your stores. If you are not prepared for your judgment, some people could see hell in their mini-judgment. I love all of my extended family, and I am sorry you could not attend my funeral. Once they are on their own, they quickly stop their prayers and very few are coming to Confession. With the Good Friday oil, the exorcism water with the miraculous medal, or coming to My refuges, this would be a chance for the vaccinated people to be healed, but they must believe I can heal them in order to be healed. 8:8) This is said before Holy Communion time in the Mass, and it is appropriate for you to be humble to receive Me into your soul. Prepare your spiritual lives with prayers, Mass, and frequent Confession. You will have other needs for food, water, and your daily Holy Communion. Water will even get rationed where there are more severe shortages. These mandates are following the atheistic persecution by your socialist communist government who hate Me, and they will restrict your worship of Me. This experience showed you how the demons answer to My authority in My Church. Trust in Me to guard My faithful and provide for their needs at My refuges., Tuesday, June 29, 2021: (St. Peter and St. Paul) Pray for your people to reject communist teachings, and work to change what is being forced on your children., Jesus said: My people, if you want to see the future of your Church, just look how only a few young adults are coming to Mass on Sunday. Trust in Me to bring My Warning before vaccinated people will die from the next deadly virus. After a meeting on January 10, 2021, one week after England entered its third national lockdown, Mr Hancock texted about how the plod got their marching orders. Jesus said: My son, you just went on your fifth trip and the tenth exorcism session by a priest over a young man at Buffalo, N.Y. You heard some loud sounds from the demon at this exorcism. that his wife will be able to carry on with her life amidst this death of her husband. You can see how the evil leaders are trying to create divisions in your country over whether or not you are in favor of abortion, euthanasia, drugs, and now over being forced to take an unneeded Covid shot. But your judgment will be on how you lived your life, and how you loved Me and your neighbors. Russia can also threaten the European countries with shutting down their natural gas if they defend the Ukraine. You are celebrating my birth, but the readings speak of my heritage from King David, and the birth of my Son, Jesus. Then I brought fire and brimstone down on the evil ones in Sodom and Gomorrah, and they all died. Be ready for these shortages as I asked you to have three months of food stored for such times., Jesus said: My people, you will be fortunate at My refuges to have daily Holy Communion from either a priest at Mass, or My angels will distribute the consecrated Hosts. New Prophetic Messages From John Leary Through September 7, Now the time to bring people to Me is growing short before the coming Warning and the tribulation of the Antichrist. You can bear fruit when you pray for your intentions. When your money crashes, there will be chaos and it may be necessary for Me to call you to My refuges of safety., Jesus said: My people, I have been warning people that bad times are coming when you will see food shortages and high unemployment. Last year there were very few flu cases reported, even though the flu comes every year. Sunday, August 22, 2021 Jesus said: My people, I give you a miracle at every Mass when the bread and wine are transubstantiated into My Body and Blood. There is a strong suspicion that many flu deaths were being claimed as Covid deaths so the health people could push the vaccines. Now you are doing your Zoom Conferences. The non-believers will suffer from the coming plagues and the abuse of the Antichrist. Some people are chosen to suffer more than others because they have been given more graces to endure it. I showed you before when you rewrote one of My messages that you had lost, that it was word for word on the message you found later. When you come to your judgment, I will ask you if you loved Me and all of your neighbors, even your persecutors. 2023 New Zealand Labour Party leadership election - Wikipedia You can further show your love for Me by your good deeds in helping your neighbor. If your current Administration decreases your Defense spending, you could be challenged by China and Russia. Abraham was 100 years old and Sarah was 90 years old, yet Abraham was told he would have a son, Isaac by Sarah. I am giving you My Good Friday oil and the exorcism water to drink for the vaccinated people so they will not die from the vaccine. The restrictions on the unvaccinated will be getting worse, and the evil ones will use any increases in Covid cases for another potential lock down. At the coming time of My refuges during the tribulation of the Antichrist, I will again perform miracles of providing the deer for meat, the manna for Holy Communion, and I will multiply your dwellings, water, food, and your fuels for you to survive. Your daily prayers, Holy Communion, and Adoration hours will keep you close to Me throughout the tribulation of less than 3 years.. 2021 June : John Leary This summer heat is coming sooner than usual, and it will lead to more fires out West. Leaders for various jobs will be chosen, and each leader will gather helpers to carry out their mission. You have traveled to give your talks for over 25 years before the Covid virus started. Be ready to come to My refuges when you see a major new war break out.. Without gasoline or electricity, your economy would come to a halt, just like with your Covid shutdown. The unborn babies have Otherwise, those people, who do not believe in My healing nor believe in Me, could die and go to hell. Eventually, even the internet will shut down religious services. Fr. In the Gospel of Mark (5:1-20) I asked the demons name, and they said their name was Legion because there were many of them. If your electric grid was down for months, or a year, there are people predicting 90% of your people would die of starvation, because most people do not have long time food supplies. By dying to self, and doing My Will, you will truly see My Light to lead you to heaven., Prayer group: 2021 December : John Leary As you leave your home, your angel will put an invisible shield over you so the evil ones cannot see you. Pray that people can keep hydrated to avoid any more deaths., Jesus said: My people, parents have a right to fight the teaching in the schools that are brainwashing the children with race theory, sex classes, and communist teachings. This is the vision that I gave you of the dead bodies lying all over. Focus on loving Me and your neighbors, instead of focusing on buying so many things., Jesus said: My son, for now you are comfortable with your natural gas heater working well. It is hard to forgive someone who has cheated you out of money, or who has harmed you unjustly. Pray the long form of St. Michaels prayer going and leaving from this exorcism. Jesus said: My people, in the first reading from Tobit, you see both Tobit and Sarah praying to Me for help with their problems. Trust in Me and My angels to protect you and provide for your needs., Tuesday, June 1, 2021: (St. Justin) But I reached out to foreigners, lepers, fornicators, and even tax collectors. Pray that your people will come to their senses and stop this push for a communist America., Friday, June 4, 2021: Prophet John Leary http://johnleary.com Tuesday, April 20, 2021 Jesus said: My people, St. Stephen was brave to his death by stoning, and he stayed true to his faith in Eli Newbrun-Mintz: Good morning, and thank you all for joining us today. john leary latest messages 2021 - holytrinitychurchdubai.org You all have free will to choose to believe in Me or not. Friday, September 10, 2021:(Eastridge Class 61 deceased intention) Jesus said: My people of the Eastridge Class of 61, I am happy you are all here to see each other again. Saturday, November 27, 2021: Jesus said: My people, today is the last day of the Church Year before you start Advent tomorrow. She was also curious if My words of prophecy had come about. WebFebruary 27, 2023 new bill passed in nj for inmates 2022 No Comments . So before I call you home to your judgment, make the best use of your time with prayer and good deeds., Prayer Group: Be also prepared to come to My refuges of protection when your lives will be in danger. Keep praying at the abortion clinics to stop your abortions. So I went with him to his house to be with his daughter. Jesus said: My people, today is the last day of the Church Year before you start Advent tomorrow. Prophet John Leary JESUS CHRIST You are seeing a Satanic It is best to backup your data files on separate hard drives so you are not a victim of the various ransomware programs.
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